Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Being a Member

Being able to document and preserve one's Mayflower records and descent for future generations.

Being able educate family members and the community about the contributions of the Pilgrims to our nation(s).

Establishing friendships with others with Mayflower roots.

Joining other members at the Spring Meeting and Luncheon and at the Compact Meeting and Luncheon in November.

Visiting the Mayflower headquarters in Plymouth and using the outstanding library.

Receiving The Mayflower Quarterly, published by General Society, which  provides a wealth of information about history, genealogy, and current activities of the various societies.

 An Important Fact

The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of Georgia is a non-profit lineage society chartered in 1929 under the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. We have an active membership dedicated to celebrating and preserving the history of our Mayflower ancestors who sailed to America in 1620.